GitLab Open Sources Monitoring and Observability Tools

  • GitLab expects that its monitoring tools will benefit from the contributions of a larger community of developers
  • The company says that its approach can reduce costs and remove any potential friction in the DevOps environment

According to a report by Devops, GitLab has made its monitoring and observability tools open source. As per the report, the tools were previously available as part of the commercial tools in GitLab’s DevOps platform.

According to the report, Kenny Johnston, director of product/Ops products for GitLab said that as responsibility for observability shifts left, developers are using more influence over which monitoring tools are to be employed. He added that as developers begin to employ monitoring tools early in the application development process, majority of them prefer open source tools. This is because it is unclear whether the application being developed will ever make it into a production environment.

Benefit from the contributions of community of developers

The report said that if the application does make it into a production environment, it becomes difficult for the developers to make a case to make it fit standardizing on what monitoring tools they were using instead of an existing commercial offering used by IT operations system. As per the report, along with reducing costs, the GitLab approach can remove any potential friction in the DevOps environment.

GitLab also expects that its monitoring tools will benefit from the contributions of a larger community of developers. The company is asking for help in areas of ongoing integrations with Prometheus with improved logging, tracing and alerting capabilities as per the report


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