Cloud Inter-operability and App Mobility Outrank Cost and Security


Inter-operability between cloud types and the ability to move applications back and forth between clouds outranked cost and security as the primary benefits of using hybrid cloud

Enterprises are planning to increase hybrid cloud usage, claimed a study published by Nutanix. The study further says that 91 per cent participants stated hybrid cloud as the ideal IT model while only 18 per cent stated they have that model today. The findings also revealed application mobility across any cloud as a top priority for 97 per cent of respondents.

Inter-operability between cloud types (23%) and the ability to move applications back and forth between clouds (16%) outranked cost (6%) and security (5%) as the primary benefits of using hybrid cloud.

Ben Gibson, chief marketing officer for Nutanix, said, “As enterprises demand stronger application mobility and intero-perability, they are increasingly choosing hybrid cloud infrastructure. While the advent of public cloud has increased IT efficiency in certain areas, hybrid cloud capabilities are the next step in providing the freedom to dynamically provision and manage applications based on business needs. However, the findings of this study reveal an important gap in the market: organizations need IT talent to manage their hybrid cloud models, especially in the next 12 to 24 months.”

Key findings of the report

The report highlighted that hybrid cloud better addresses business needs over single public cloud. 87 per cent of respondents said that hybrid cloud as an IT trend is having a positive impact on their businesses, and more hybrid cloud users reported all their needs were being met (49%) compared to single public cloud users (37%).

Furthermore, organizations that use public cloud spend 26 per cent of their annual IT budget on public cloud. Perhaps most striking is the fact that only 6 per cent using public cloud came in under budget, while nearly six times as many (35%) overspent in their use of public cloud resources.

Security as top of mind for determining workloads

71 per cent of respondents surveyed for the report ranked data security and regulatory compliance as the top factor in determining where to provision their workloads. This was followed by performance at 62 per cent, ease of management at 53 per cent, and cost at 52 per cent.

EMEA expected to surpass Americas in terms of hybrid cloud adoption

The report said, “Regionally, the Americas reported greater use of hybrid clouds now (22%) and within 12 months’ time (31%). However, the two-year outlook has EMEA (43%) surpassing the Americas’ hybrid plans (39%) and APJ (39%) catching up.”

The other key findings of the study mentioned ‘finding Hybrid IT talent’ as difficult. Respondents who took part in the study pointed out towards scarcity of hybrid experts as a challenge. 54 per cent of participants claimed talent retention as a part of the problem.

Study covered over 2,300 respondents

With 2,300 respondents from multiple industries, business sizes and geographies, the survey questioned IT decision makers about where they are running their business applications today, where they plan to run them in the future, challenges in setting up their cloud environments and how their cloud initiatives stack up against other IT projects and priorities.

It included businesses located in the Americas, Europe, the Middle East, Africa (EMEA), and Asia-Pacific and Japan (APJ) regions. Vanson Bourne by commissioned by Nutanix to carry out this survey.

Hybrid cloud in the study describes the combined use of at least one private cloud and at least one public cloud service, with some degree of integration between the two cloud environments.


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