Linux Game Review: LBreakOut 2


Lbreakout2 is a fun arcade game, where you use a paddle to reflect balls, aiming at bricks in the air. Like many other games of its type, Lbreakout features many power-ups and downs, brick types, and other great bonuses. It is a great starter game and comes with many distributions. The file size is pretty small.

Genre: Arcade

LBreakOut 2


The gameplay is very simple. You control a paddle, which can move horizontally back and forth with your mouse or keyboard, through which, you fire balls in order to destroy bricks. It’s very easy to get frustrated because you will often miss the ball “just by a hair”. There are many levels, and many other options. All of them are fun. Included in the game is also an easy to use level editor.

What we loved the best are the extensive balloon tips. If you wish to get it fullscreen, you shall need to press the ‘F’ button. The game has a total of 31 levels and can be played online too. However, we could not get connected because the server’s 8000 port seemed to be blocked.

LBreakOut 2

Video & Audio

The graphics are good. Everything is textured and appropriately detailed. The audio is good, including bouncing and hitting sound effects.

Our Verdict: 8/10



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