CoreOS Tectonic intensifies Kubernetes integration

CoreOS Tectonic


CoreOS Tectonic, the Linux platform designed to run containers, has received an update to version 1.6.2. The latest minor point release upgrades Kuberetes integration with new enterprise-centric features.

The latest Tectonic version comes with Kubernetes 1.6.2, which is the most advanced version of the open source container management system. The upgrade enables easier installation of the CoreOS/Kubernetes combo along with better separation between control-plan and user workloads as well as improved reliability of the control plane through services spreading across multiple nodes.

The key technology within CoreOS Techtonic 1.6.2 is etcd that enables a particular distributed data storage sorting in CoreOS. The etcd presence can be managed using CoreOS operators. Also, etcd-operator can allow Kubernetes to manage etcd at scale.

Terraform infrastructure support

Tectonic 1.6.2 additionally has an integration with Terraform infrastructure tool that brings automation for scriptable and customisable self-hosted Kubernetes installations on AWS. The update also comes with improved RBAC and audit logging. Moreover, the CoreOS team has updated Dex with a security patch.

You can upgrade to Tectonic 1.6.2 using the official installer release. A complete changelog is available in a GitHub repository to support its installation.


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