Tag: virtual machine
Linux Foundation May Soon Launch its Own Virtual Machine Monitoring Software
The Linux Foundation announced it will host the Cloud Hypervisor project, which delivers a virtual machine monitor for modern cloud workloads.
Written in Rust with...
Backing Up VM Files with BORG
BorgBackup, or Borg, is a de-duplicating open source program that also offers compression and encryption. The main goal of Borg is to provide efficient...
The Capabilities of Tensor Virtual Machine, an Open Deep Learning Compiler...
The Tensor Virtual Machine stack began as a research project at the SAMPL (System, Architecture, Machine learning and Programming Language) group of the Paul...
How Docker Differs from a Virtual Machine
Often, people get confused between Docker and a virtual machine. This article explains how Docker differs from a virtual machine and why you should...
Automate your development environment with Vagrant
Get introduced to Vagrant—a tool for managing virtual machines. By taking care of these machines, Vagrant allows developers, operations engineers and designers to get...
Microsoft Azure now offers open source ‘Linux Data Science Virtual Machine’
Microsoft Azure marketplace now offers you 'Linux Data Science Virtual Machine' to let you analyse and maintain data on the cloud using Linux utilities.
Virtkick Hassle-free Access to the Cloud
Virtkick is a single-click cloud management centre. It is user friendly, and makes cloud computing easy and manageable. You can create a virtual machine...
Achieving Hundred Per Cent Growth with Open Source!
Making money out of something that is free is not child's play. But companies like Taashee Linux Services are encouraging examples of organisations that...
Secure Your Network with Firewall Builder
A firewall isolates a trusted, secure internal network from another network like the Internet, which is not regarded as either trusted or secure. Firewall...
nexenta: Bringing Enterprise Storage to the Open Source World
This article discusses some of the challenges and technologies related to data storage, and introduces the Nexenta Core Platform, which is an OS based...