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Demystifying Kubernetes

Kubernetes is a production grade open source system for automating deployment, scaling, and the management of containerised applications. This article is about managing containers...

A Quick Look at Some of the Best Cloud Platforms for...

Cloud platforms enable high performance computing without the need to purchase the required infrastructure. Cloud services are available on a ‘pay per use’ basis...

Open Source Big Data Solutions Support Digital Transformation

The digital transformation (DT) of enterprises is enabled by the judicious use of Big Data. And it’s open source technologies that are the driving...

Can Data Scientists be Replaced by Automation?

The advent of AI, automation and smart bots triggers the question: Is it possible that data scientists will become redundant in the future? Are...

Keyboard Shortcuts to Speed Up Your Work in Linux

Manipulating the mouse, keyboard and menus takes up a lot of our time, which could be saved by using keyboard shortcuts. These not only...

A Bird’s Eye View of Big Data for Enterprises

Entrepreneurial decisions are made using data and business acumen. Big Data is today a tool that helps to maximise revenue and customer engagement. Open...

The Five Most Popular Operating Systems for the Internet of Things

Connecting every ‘thing’ that we see around us to the Internet is the fundamental idea of the Internet of Things (IoT). There are many...

Transition to Nftables

Every major distribution in the open source world is moving towards nftables as the default firewall. In short, the venerable Iptables is now dead....

The Emergence of Edge Analytics in the IoT Ecosystem

Edge analytics involves processing, collecting and analysing data near its source so that not all of it is sent to the cloud. This is...

How to Run Multiple Services Inside a Single Container Using Supervisord

Supervisord or Supervisor daemon is an open source process management system. It is a client/ server system that enables the user to control numerous...