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Building Deep Learning Models with TensorFlow

Deep learning is impacting and revolutionising the tech industry. Many applications used on a day-to-day basis have been built incorporating deep learning. This article...

A Beginner’s Guide to Machine Learning

As the title suggests, this article is for newbies who want to venture into the field of machine learning. Machine learning (ML) is an application...

The Emacs Series Exploring dash.el

dash.el is a list library for Emacs released under the GNU General Public License v3.0. It has been written by Magnar Sveen and the...

ONNX: Helping Developers Choose the Right Framework

ONNX or Open Neural Network Exchange (onnx.ai) is a community project created by Facebook and Microsoft. It is intended to provide interoperability within the...

AForge.NET: A Powerful Open Source Computer Vision Tool

AForge.NET is a C# framework designed for developers and researchers in the fields of computer vision and artificial intelligence, which include image processing, neural...

Apache SystemML: A Machine Learning Platform Suited for Big Data

Apache SystemML is an important machine learning platform that focuses on Big Data, with scalability and flexibility as its strong points. Its unique characteristics...

Deep Learning of Sequential Data with LSTM

This brief article presents a method for deep learning of sequential data with LSTM through the use of Keras. “Deep learning allows computational models that...

TensorFlow Hub: A Machine Learning Ecosystem

Machine learning (ML) is the new ‘in’ thing in the world of computer science. For a newbie to get into it is not very...

Are You Ready to Adopt GraphQL?

GraphQL is a query language for APIs and a runtime for fulfilling those queries with your existing data. It is an open source data...

Tips and Tools for Protecting Networks from Security Breaches

Networks are prone to viruses and hacking. Internet users need to be aware of what threats and risks they are susceptible to, and what...