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Testing Video Transmission in Ns-2 Using the EvalVid Framework

Ns-2 is a discrete event simulator targeted at networking research. It provides support for simulation of TCP, routing and multicast protocols over wired and...

Taking the First Baby Steps in Ns-3

Ns-3 is a network simulator for computer network simulation, used mainly for research and educational purposes. This article is the third in the series...

Creating Vehicular Traffic Simulation with OSS

Here is a tutorial on creating real-time vehicular traffic simulation using SUMO and OpenStreetMap. SUMO stands for Simulation of Urban Mobility. It is designed as...

Open Source Robotics: Multi-Robot Simulators

This is the second article in a series that focuses on open source software for robotics. This time we introduce the Linux enthusiast...

Open Source Robotics Software Platforms

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7cslPMzklVo This first article in the series on open source software for robotic introduces the reader to open source robotics software platforms and focuses on...

Creating Realistic Materials for Blender Projects

Having completed the three-part series, Animate with Blender, this article focuses on the science behind the process of creating good materials and textures within...

Onama — A Quantum Leap in HPC

This article introduces readers to Onama, a CDAC-created bundle of well-selected parallel and serial applications for various engineering disciplines. An amalgamation of HPC and...

Work Your Brain Cells with Strategy Games on GNU/Linux

Are you ready to accept the double-barrelled challenge of acquiring hard-to-get natural resources and confronting enemies on the rampage, while in a race against...

Open Hardware Sparks Innovation in Robotics

Open hardware helps sort out many issues that hamper the advance of robotics in India -- the lack of advanced components, insufficient know-how to...

A Voyage to the Kernel, Day 7

[Segment 2.2] We are about to enter the core part of this segment—algorithms.