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Tag: Relational databases

The Database Demands of Peta-scale Computing

Let's take a brief look at the challenges for next-generation databases. In the previous article we discussed that as data volumes grow towards the peta-scale...

Databases in the Era of Cloud Computing and Big Data

We take a look at the directions in which databases are evolving, driven by the twin factors of the "Cloud" and "Big Data". Let's...

Exploring Software: ZODB, a NoSQL Database

Let's explore how to use ZODB, a NoSQL database, from Python, with an example that stores and retrieves 'album' and 'track' data from the database. Most...

Exploring Software: Getting a Hang of Zope’s Grok

According to Wikipedia, "to grok" is to share the same reality or line of thinking with another physical or conceptual entity. For example, to...

Better Queries with MySQL, Part 1

This article helps you write high-performance MySQL queries, by pointing out the various pitfalls and dangerous misconceptions that developers have. How many times have you...