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How Open Source Technologies Can Add Security to IoT

The Internet of Things (IoT) enables billions of Web connected devices to exchange meaningful information without human intervention. It has the power to revolutionise...

Experimenting with Classifiers in Weka

This article explains how to design and run classification algorithms on the well-known Weka platform—the open source machine learning software that can be accessed...

The Python Libraries that are Made for Machine Learning

This article is a guide on Python libraries for machine learning. Various libraries as well as their features are described to help readers understand...

Leveraging Python Generators for Developing Elegant Code

Iterators in Python lead to a lot of overhead. Python generators are a simple way of creating iterators in which all overheads are automatically...

Understanding ELF, the Executable and Linkable Format

Whenever we compile any code, the output that we get is an executable file, which we generally don’t bother about. We execute it on...

Creating a Basic To-Do App with Node.js

This article is targeted at beginners in Web development. It covers the basics of Node.js, along with a demo on how to use it...

Backing Up VM Files with BORG

BorgBackup, or Borg, is a de-duplicating open source program that also offers compression and encryption. The main goal of Borg is to provide efficient...

Choose the Job You Should Be Skilled For in 2020

Even as India’s colleges and technical institutes churn out graduates by the hundreds, they often lack the requisite skills. Hence, many of them remain...

Securing Data in IoT Constrained Node Networks

This is the second part of the blog series, ‘IoT Constrained Node Networks’. Reading the first part,‘ An Introduction to IoT Constrained Node Networks’,...

Go: Perhaps the Best Language for Building Scalable Code

This article on Go covers the reasons for learning it and some of its concepts. It also presents a sample program. Go (also known as...