Tag: LFY October 2010
The GIMP 2.8:2.7 Development Release: Free From Clutter
The GIMP version 2.6 was released two years back, and it's time for us to embrace a new development series of the GIMP. Dubbed...
Wings 3D and the GIMP: Quickly Modelling and Texturing an Airplane
For those of you who are artists, and eager to get into 3D art but lack the resources to get high-end packages like Maya,...
Browser Wars: There are Just Way Too Many Options Currently!
With the growth of the Internet, there has been a considerable increase in the number of Web browsers available for the Linux/BSD/Solaris platforms.
Not so...
Take Note: Four Note-taking Apps You Should Try
Taking detailed, usable notes is not only an art, but also the hallmark of an effective worker. Fortunately, this is an area where the...
Android Application Development Basics
Here's a basic Android application -- a Simple Interest Calculator, which illustrates the application development method. To follow this tutorial, you should have written...
Develop and Deploy a MeeGo Application
Open embedded platforms are becoming popular among end-users, and are also a key selling point for many vendors. New business models like application stores...
Debugging the Linux Kernel with debugfs
debugfs is a simple memory-based filesystem, designed specifically to debug Linux kernel code, and not to be confused with the debugfs filesystem utility. Introduced...
BackTrack 4: A One-Stop Shop for Security Analysis and Learning
Computer security analysts have plenty of tools available nowadays to evaluate the security of corporate networks, servers and applications. These include Linux distributions specialising...
Metasploit: The Exploit Framework for Penetration Testers
Today, the Metasploit Framework is considered the single most useful auditing tool that is freely available to security professionals and penetration testers. It has...
SystemTap Tutorial, Part-2
Last month, we explored SystemTap and how it works. We also discussed Tapset libraries, and looked at a few examples. Let's proceed from there.