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Tag: lets try

Achieve Shorter Software Delivery Timelines Using Cloud IDEs

Using cloud services today has become a convenience. An integrated development environment (IDE) facilitates the development of apps. The authors of this article have...

An Introduction to Distributed Replicated Block Device (DRBD)

  Distributed Replicated Block Device (DRBD) mirrors block devices among multiple hosts. The replication is visible to other applications on the host systems. Block devices...

Here is puppet your configuration manager

Puppet is an open source configuration management utility that runs on several UNIX-like systems as well as Microsoft Windows. It helps sysadmins automate many...

An Easy-to-Follow Git Based Development Workflow

This article provides a cookbook-style Git workflow to help project teams and developers. The workflow is intended for small open source projects that have...

JavaScript The New Parts

ECMAScript2015 (ES6) is the specification that defines new features in JavaScript. In the second part of this series on JavaScript, let us look at...

Getting Started with Dart

Dart is an open source Web programming language that has been rolled out by Google. It is scalable, and has robust libraries and runtimes...

Chef: Recipes that Turn Infrastructure into Code

  This article, which features chefs, recipes and knives, isn't about cooking in the kitchen. It heralds a new series of articles in the Dev-ops...

Openjudge: An Online Judge for Offline Programming Contests

Do you need an impartial judge for a programming contest? Openjudge is a LAN based program judging implementation in Python. Get a taste of...

Scripting Mail with Shell and Perl

This is a tutorial aimed at systems and middleware administrators who are new to mailing techniques but know how to use VI, VIM or...

Malware Analysis Using REMnux

In this second article of the series, we focus on eliminating XOR patterns. Malware tends to employ XOR patterns for self-encryption/decryption because they obfuscate...