Tag: JQuery
60 Percent of Commercial Codebases Contain Open Source Vulnerabilities, Suggests New...
However, the percentage of codebases containing vulnerable components and license conflicts has decreased, as per the report.
Black Duck by Synopsys on Tuesday released its...
The Basics of JavaScript and jQuery
JavaScript is the programming language of HTML and the Web. jQuery is a JavaScript library designed to simplify client side scripting of HTML. This...
Creating an Audio and Video Player Using JPlayer
This tutorial walks the reader through the process of creating a basic audio/video player on a website and then customising it to add more...
Browser Point: Make HTML Presentations with Jekyll and Hyde
Often times a lot of websites require certain form of presentation to demonstrate a product or to simply get their point across. Previously, such...
Rails Plugins — Making Website Development Easy!
This article is a tutorial on how to use Rails plugins for pagination, authentication and file attachments. It is aimed at readers with a...
Introducing JQuery Selectors
The JQuery library provides different options to identify an element. The power of JQuery is that it allows us, users of the library, to write our own selectors.
Develop Interactive Web Pages with Ease
Here’s introducing JQuery, arguably the fastest, most concise and elegant JavaScript framework with support for flexible selectors, CSS3, object detection, method chaining, AJAX, plug-ins and UI effects.