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Tag: Insight

Android Lollipop: What’s in it for Enterprises?

Enterprise mobility offers a wealth lot of opportunities for OEMs, solutions providers, UX designers, and developers. On the face of it, this may appear...

Face-off with Sizeof()

In C programming, the unary operator sizeof() returns the size of its operand in bytes. The sizeof() operator is discussed in detail in this...

iptables: The Default Linux Firewall

This article deals with iptables, which is a built-in firewall in Linux. The authors explain the commands to configure iptables for various situations, thus...

The Many Telecom Applications of Asterisk

Over the course of the past few articles in the series, we got familiar with the general Asterisk environment, the typical hardware involved and...

How to Write Your First Technical Book

Writing a book can be both an exhilarating and an exhausting experience! It can help your career by giving you visibility, recognition from your...

Deploying Infrastructure-as-a-Service Using OpenStack

Cloud computing is the buzzword today. It has many different models, one of which is IaaS. In this article, the authors describes the delivery...

Cuckoo: A Malware Analyser Companies Can Depend Upon

Cuckoo is a leading open source malware analyser. The Cuckoo sandbox facilitates effective analysis of various types of malware by monitoring their behaviour in...

Dangling Pointers Avoid them Strictly!

This article takes off from an earlier one on constant pointers. Here, the focus is on dangling pointers—how they occur and how to prevent...

Run Automated System Tasks With Anacron

  Periodic command scheduling is the main feature of Anacron, which, in contrast with Cron, does not assume that the system is running all the...

Beware: Its Easy to Launch a Wireless Deauthentication Attack!

This article shows how easily someone can pull off an attack on an 802.11 Wi-Fi network. The author sets up a mock attack using...