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Tag: deep learning

A Peep into Deep Learning Architectures for Industrial Applications

Deep learning is an approach that makes a machine imitate the network of neurons in a human brain. It consists of algorithms, which allow...

Deep Learning of Sequential Data with LSTM

This brief article presents a method for deep learning of sequential data with LSTM through the use of Keras. “Deep learning allows computational models that...

Weka: A Free and Open Source Suite for Machine Learning and...

Weka or the Waikato Environment for Knowledge Analysis is a machine learning suite that is written in Java, having been developed by the University...

LinkedIn Open Sources a Tool that Formats Big Data for TensorFlow

Inside LinkedIn, Avro2TF is an integral part of a system called TensorFlowIn that helps users easily feed data into the TensorFlow modeling process.  LinkedIn has...

H2O: The Versatile Tool for Deep Learning

The H2O project developed by H20.ai provides users tools for data analysis, allowing them to fit thousands of potential models when trying to discover...

Google Open Sources its BERT Model Source Code

BERT builds upon recent work in pre-training contextual representations — including Semi-supervised Sequence Learning, Generative Pre-Training Google made an announcement in the company bog post...

DeepLearning4j and PyTorch: Two Powerful Deep Learning Tools

This article gives an introduction to two free and open source tools for deep learning and knowledge discovery–DL4J and PyTorch. Machine learning (ML) is a...

AI Can Now Predict Death of Patient

This AI can predict a patient's length of stay at the hospital, time of discharge and even the time of death. The neural network developed...

“Intelligent IDE Platform is The New Trend in Open Source”

While it is an absolute necessity to have a sustainable business model, the open source market, both global and in India, lack the same....

Google’s AI division released an Open-source update to DeepVariant

Google announces the open source release of DeepVariant, a deep learning technology to reconstruct the true genome sequence from HTS sequencer data with significantly...