Tag: CSS
Try These Unusual Unicode Tricks
Much thought from the finest brains all over the world has gone into the making of Unicode. Its main purpose is to serve all...
Less is Actually More!
Less (which stands for Leaner Style Sheets) is a backwards-compatible language extension for CSS. Originally written in Ruby, it was later ported to JavaScript.
DevOps Series Ansible Deployment of Nginx to Serve Static Files and...
This is the 15th article in the DevOps series, in which the author demonstrates how an Nginx server can be set up to serve...
Electron: Building Cross-platform Desktop Apps with Web Technologies
The programming languages used to build desktop and Web applications are obviously different. Electron is an effort to bridge this gap. With it, you...
Creating an Audio and Video Player Using JPlayer
This tutorial walks the reader through the process of creating a basic audio/video player on a website and then customising it to add more...
Browser Point: Make HTML Presentations with Jekyll and Hyde
Often times a lot of websites require certain form of presentation to demonstrate a product or to simply get their point across. Previously, such...
CodeIgniter: Form APIs, Validations & Pagination Techniques
In the previous article on CodeIgniter, we discussed the concept of the MVC structure used in CodeIgniter, did a "Hello world" program, and a...
A Letter to Foxy Developers
A look at what makes Mozilla Firefox the most developer friendly browser around, and how you can get the most out of the community-developed...
Less is More: Exploring the Radiant CMS
Need to build a website or weblog? Just want a simple CMS that makes your life easier? Radiant is for you! In this article,...
Rails Plugins — Making Website Development Easy!
This article is a tutorial on how to use Rails plugins for pagination, authentication and file attachments. It is aimed at readers with a...