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Tag: BeagleBone

PocketBeagle debuts to put Raspberry Pi Zero W aside

Partnering with Octavo Systems, the BeagleBoard.org Foundation has expanded its affordable line of computing boards and launched the PocketBeagle as an advanced version of...

Beaglebone Black: Flashing eMMC using an SD card

  The Beaglebone Black is a low-power open source single-board computer. eMMC is short for ‘embedded multi media controller’ which refers to a package integrating...

BeagleBone Blue fulfills present of robots and drones

While many of you might be planning for a new Raspberry Pi, the open source community has received BeagleBone Blue as a new surprise...

Grab your Beagles before stocks run out

Beagles are open-hardware, open-software tiny computers. Beagles give the same advantage of using a PC while saving big time on the space which bulky...