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Tag: backup software

10 Best Free and Open Source Backup Software

No business can do without deploying standard backup software in its IT systems, as these help to prevent the loss of data. This article...

Fwbackups: Backup Files with Ease

Here's a free-to-download, free-to-use, feature-rich user backup program that allows you to back up your documents any time and anywhere. It is also cross...

Back Up Your Files with Déjà Dup

  This is a guide to using the packages Déjà Dup and Duplicity for backups on desktops and workstations. While Déjà Dup, which rides on...

Looking for a Free Backup Solution? Try Areca

Let's take a look at Areca Backup, which is simple, easy to use, versatile, and makes interacting with your backups easy. Areca Backup is an...

Backups and More with rsync

Learn how to use this powerful utility that almost all experts use in their day-to-day work, to perform tasks like back-ups, and much more. The...

Demystifying Backups

Backups are a crucial part of our digital lives, yet they don't always get the love they deserve. Keeping backups is sometimes confusing, thanks...