A New Open Source Tool Is Released To Defend Against Web 3 Security Threats


Ethereum, Solana, and Binance are supported by W3A. A paid “Premium” tier is in development and will soon incorporate WatchDog-powered IP checks, comprehensive reporting on smart contracts, and other services in addition to the existing free tier’s phishing and smart contract functionality.

Users of Chrome browsers will be shielded from evolving Web3 security concerns including phishing and fraudulent contracts thanks to a new open source extension.

Web3 Antivirus (W3A), which was introduced in early December, bills itself as a machine-learning-powered addon that can identify and stop everything from malicious airdrops to smart contract scams, seed phrase phishing attempts, and phoney websites.

The major objective of the tool, according to W3A founder Alex Dulub, is “to help the web3 community save billions of dollars by making the ecosystem a safer environment to cooperate and work in, which will benefit all stakeholders in the long term,” according to a prepared statement.

W3A first simulates the smart contract’s effects before generating a risk score that the possible signee can use to decide whether or not to sign the contract. By cross-checking domains against a sizable database of blacklists and whitelists, W3A also defends against phishing websites. Additionally, it highlights red flags in a site’s source code.

W3A protects users against potentially harmful contracts using machine learning. Specifically, according to its site, “To analyze the transaction, W3A executes it in our testing EVM environment and checks all the smart contracts involved to show what happens if you confirm the transaction.”


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