Cider, An Open Source Alternative Apple Music Desktop Client


Apple Music is now available on a variety of platforms, including Android and Windows as well as Apple operating systems. However, the Apple Music experience on Windows is far from ideal, as customers continue to rely on iTunes. Cider, a new open source Apple Music client for Windows, Linux, and even macOS, was designed with this in mind by a group of engineers.

Cider, like many other Apple Music clients, is built using Apple’s official MusicKit API. Electron and Vue.js were used to create the programme, which can operate on both Windows and MacOS. While Mac users may not see the need for a separate Apple Music client, Windows users may want to give the app a shot.

When it comes to Apple Music, iTunes on Windows just provides the essentials. It lacks time-synced lyrics, for example, which Apple Music on iOS, macOS, and even Android added years ago.

Cider not only has these features, but also a significantly more modern and customizable user interface than iTunes. It also includes features not seen in the official Apple Music app, such as the option to follow artists, quick access to recently played songs, and Apple Podcasts integration.

It is worth noting that Cider is still a “alpha” programme, which means it is still in development, so there will most likely be some glitches. Still, for those who are dissatisfied with iTunes or the Apple Music online app for Windows, it’s an intriguing app. It’s past time for Apple to replace iTunes with something better on Windows.


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