Home Content News Linux Lite Launches Pay What You Want Model With Version 5.6

Linux Lite Launches Pay What You Want Model With Version 5.6


Linux Lite has recently announced Linux lite 5.6, final version in their 5.x series of releases. This release brings some major changes, especially in the download process.

This release includes updates to the Help Manual – extensive, easy to follow Linux Lite guide, you can now install Linux Lite directly from Lite Welcome, an updated Papirus icon theme, 2 new features added to Lite Tweaks, the introduction of the ‘Pay what You Want’ digital download model, 7 new wallpapers, Python default version now set to Python3, and a host of bug fixes and enhancements for our target audience. “If you are coming from Windows, you will find this to be a solid, stable release that will help make your transition to a linux based operating system, user friendly,” the company noted in the release.

Lite Tweaks now has complete Brave Browser Support for cleaning the cache and setting as the default web browser. It is added with the ability to edit the Grub Menu to display the correct naming entry.

Pay What You Want Model

Linux Lite has moved to a “Pay what you want” download model, where the user is encouraged to pay to obtain a download link. Users are still allowed to obtain the link free of cost entering $0. However, it is not immediately clear and does not support the distro.

“This is a road I’d never thought I’d go down, but we have no choice. Either we stagnate and accept the big G’s ever changing algorithms, or we boldly go where others have dared,” says Jerry Bezencon, Linux Lite creator.

The new version has various other updates for its Lite Tweaks app, icon themes and wallpapers.




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