IBM adds Google’s TensorFlow support to its AI platform

IBM Bluemix OpenWhisk


IBM is on the move to expand its artificial intelligence (AI) platform PowerAI by integrating native support for TensorFlow. Originally developed by Google, the open source framework would empower the computer giant to provide enterprises with an advanced machine learning offering.

“IBM’s enterprise offering of TensorFlow will help organisations deploy this framework,” said Rajat Monga, engineering leader for TensorFlow, in a statement. “TensorFlow is quickly becoming a viable option for companies interested in deploying deep learning for tasks ranging from computer vision to speech recognition and text analytics.”

PowerAI provides an enterprise-grade machine and deep learning support on Power8 architecture-powered IBM Power Systems S822LC that are widely used by developers in commercial, academic and hyperscale system environments. These are the areas that are most suitable for TensorFlow to get bigger in the world of AI.

“Our PowerAI software offering curates, packages and provides enterprise-level support for major deep learning frameworks like TensorFlow, to enable enterprises to easily use these new AI methods to build new computer models for analysing their data,” said Ken King, IBM general manager for OpenPower.

Other AI frameworks on board

In addition to TensorFlow, IBM’s PowerAI supports some other notable AI enablers. These include Caffe, Chainer, Facebook’s Torch and Nvidia Digits.

PowerAI is targeted at various industry platforms that are spread across banking, automotive and retail.


  1. […] devices. Last month, the computer giant even expanded its artificial intelligence platform PowerAI with TensorFlow […]

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