Tools for Monitoring and Managing Containers

Monitoring containers

Containers are lightweight and portable, and can scale rapidly, making manual management and monitoring a challenge. Thankfully, a number of free and open source tools are available to do the job.

Containers have revolutionised how applications are developed, deployed, and managed. They provide a lightweight and efficient means of packaging applications and their dependencies, ensuring consistency across different environments. Containerisation, popularised by technologies like Docker, allows developers to encapsulate an application and its dependencies into a single, portable unit that can run consistently across various environments.

The implementation of containers involves encapsulating applications and their dependencies into isolated environments known as containers. These containers share the host operating system’s kernel but have their own file systems, processes, and network interfaces. This enables efficient resource utilisation and facilitates rapid application deployment.

Need for container monitoring

While containers offer numerous advantages, effective management and monitoring are crucial for optimal performance, identification of potential issues, and overall system reliability. Containerised environments are dynamic and can scale rapidly, making manual monitoring and management challenging.

The importance of monitoring and analysing containers grows as organisations embrace containerisation for deploying and managing their applications. Here are more detailed insights into the various aspects that highlight the significance of monitoring and analysing containerised environments.

Dynamic nature of containers

Containers are designed to be lightweight and portable, enabling applications to run consistently across different environments. However, this portability introduces dynamic characteristics as containers can be created, terminated, and scaled up or down rapidly. Monitoring becomes essential to keep track of the constantly changing container landscape and ensure that resources are allocated efficiently.

Microservices architecture

Containerisation often goes hand in hand with microservices architecture, where applications are divided into smaller, independently deployable services. In such an environment, monitoring is crucial for understanding the interactions between microservices, detecting bottlenecks, and ensuring that each service operates within its resource boundaries. Effective monitoring contributes to the overall stability and performance of the entire microservices-based application.

Rapid scaling and orchestration

Containers facilitate rapid scaling to meet varying workloads. Container orchestration tools, such as Kubernetes and Docker Swarm, dynamically manage the deployment, scaling, and orchestration of containers. Monitoring tools integrated with these orchestrators provide insights into the automatic scaling behaviour, helping organisations understand how their applications respond to changing demand and ensuring that the infrastructure scales efficiently.

Security and compliance

Monitoring is crucial for ensuring the security and compliance of containerised applications. Security-related metrics, such as network traffic, system calls, and container activity, can be monitored to detect and respond to potential security threats. Furthermore, compliance requirements often mandate the tracking of specific metrics, and monitoring tools help organisations demonstrate adherence to these standards.

Cost management

Efficient monitoring and analysis contribute to better cost management in containerised environments. By understanding resource utilisation patterns and optimising container allocation, organisations can avoid unnecessary costs associated with over-provisioning resources. This is particularly important in cloud-based environments where resource usage directly impacts expenses.

Resource optimisation

Monitoring helps identify resource utilisation patterns, ensuring that containers have the necessary resources for optimal performance. This includes monitoring CPU usage, memory consumption, and storage utilisation. Containers share the host operating system’s kernel, making them more efficient in terms of resource utilisation. However, this shared environment also necessitates careful monitoring to prevent resource contention. Monitoring tools help identify patterns in CPU usage, memory consumption, and storage utilisation, ensuring that each container has the necessary resources to perform optimally.

Performance management

Containers can be ephemeral, with life cycles measured in seconds or minutes. Hence, performance issues can arise quickly. Monitoring tools enable real-time performance analysis, helping to identify and address bottlenecks promptly. By tracking metrics related to response times, throughput, and latency, organisations can proactively manage the performance of containerised applications and maintain a positive user experience.


Containers are designed to scale horizontally, and monitoring tools assist in dynamically adjusting resources to accommodate varying workloads.

Fault detection and troubleshooting

Containerised environments are prone to faults, such as application failures, container crashes, or networking issues. Monitoring tools aid in the early detection of faults, triggering alerts or notifications when predefined thresholds are exceeded. Additionally, detailed analytics provided by monitoring tools assist in troubleshooting, reducing the time it takes to identify and resolve issues, thereby minimising downtime.

Free tools for monitoring and analytics of containers

Several free and open source tools are available to monitor and analyse containerised environments. These tools provide insights into container performance, resource utilisation, and overall system health. Here are some noteworthy options.

cAdvisor (Container Advisor) cAdvisor, short for Container Advisor, stands out as a pivotal open source project developed by Google to cater to the burgeoning needs of containerised environments. With a focus on container-specific metrics, it serves as a robust solution for monitoring and managing containers seamlessly.

cAdvisor project
Figure 1: cAdvisor project

The primary objective of cAdvisor is to simplify the monitoring process by automating the collection, aggregation, processing, and exportation of essential information pertaining to running containers. Its capability to automatically gather data from containers contributes significantly to real-time insights into resource utilisation, performance metrics, and the overall health of containerised applications.

A distinguishing feature of cAdvisor is its versatility, as it supports a variety of container runtimes. Whether an organisation is utilising Docker, containerd, or other container runtimes, cAdvisor ensures compatibility, making it a versatile and widely applicable monitoring tool.

For those seeking reliable and real-time visibility into their containerised infrastructure, cAdvisor proves to be a valuable asset. Its open source nature emphasises transparency, enabling users to access and modify the source code according to their specific requirements.

As a tool developed by Google, cAdvisor benefits from the expertise and experience of one of the leading technology companies. Its continuous updates and improvements make it a dependable choice for organisations looking to enhance their container monitoring capabilities.


Prometheus is a popular open source monitoring and alerting toolkit designed for reliability and scalability. It is particularly well-suited for dynamic containerised environments.

It operates by employing a mechanism called scraping, where it collects and stores time-series data from various targets, including containers, applications, and system components. This scraping capability allows Prometheus to continuously gather information about the performance and health of these targets. The collected data is then stored in a time-series database, providing a historical record of metrics over time.

One of the standout features of Prometheus is its ability to offer users the flexibility to query and visualise the collected metrics. By providing a powerful query language, Prometheus enables users to extract specific insights and gain a deep understanding of the behaviour of their containerised applications. This capability is crucial for monitoring the various aspects of a dynamic environment, where containers may scale up or down rapidly in response to changing workloads.

The architecture of Prometheus is designed with scalability in mind. It supports a federated approach, allowing multiple Prometheus instances to collaborate and share collected data. This federated setup is particularly beneficial in large and distributed environments, ensuring that monitoring remains robust and responsive even as the infrastructure scales.

Prometheus integrates seamlessly with visualisation tools like Grafana, enhancing its capabilities in terms of data representation. Grafana provides a user-friendly interface for creating dashboards and visualisations based on the metrics collected by Prometheus. This combination of tools creates a comprehensive monitoring and visualisation stack, empowering users to make informed decisions based on real-time and historical data.

Prometheus’s open source nature contributes to its widespread adoption and community support. The tool is actively maintained and continuously improved by a community of developers, ensuring that it stays relevant and aligned with the evolving needs of containerised environments.


Sysdig is a comprehensive container monitoring solution that provides real-time visibility into containerised applications. It offers features like system and application tracing, network monitoring, and security analytics.

Sysdig stands out as a comprehensive container monitoring solution, offering real-time visibility into containerised applications. One of Sysdig’s key features is its ability to conduct system and application tracing. This functionality allows users to delve deep into the inner workings of containers, tracking and analysing system calls and application-level activities. By offering detailed insights into the interactions between containers and the underlying infrastructure, Sysdig enables users to troubleshoot issues effectively and optimise performance.

Network monitoring is another critical aspect of Sysdig’s feature set. In containerised environments, where applications often rely on microservices and distributed architectures, monitoring network activities is paramount. Sysdig facilitates the tracking of network traffic between containers, helping users identify communication patterns, detect anomalies, and ensure the seamless operation of interconnected services.

Security analytics is an integral component of Sysdig’s capabilities. This includes observing container activity for signs of potential threats, allowing for the early detection of security vulnerabilities. With Sysdig, users can implement proactive security measures and maintain a robust security posture within their containerised infrastructure.


kube-state-metrics is a specialised tool for Kubernetes environments, designed to enhance cluster monitoring. This open source project exports cluster-level metrics, providing valuable insights into the current state of various Kubernetes objects, including deployments, nodes, and pods.

In a Kubernetes environment, where applications are deployed and orchestrated using containers, understanding the status and health of the underlying infrastructure is crucial. kube-state-metrics addresses this need by collecting and exposing metrics related to the state of Kubernetes objects. These objects represent various components of a Kubernetes cluster and monitoring them is essential for ensuring smooth operations and identifying potential issues.

The primary advantage of kube-state-metrics lies in its ability to export detailed information about the state of critical Kubernetes entities. This includes metrics related to the deployment of applications (deployment objects), the health and performance of nodes in the cluster, and the status of individual pods running within the containers.

To further amplify its effectiveness, kube-state-metrics seamlessly integrates with Prometheus, another powerful open source monitoring tool in Kubernetes. When combined with kube-state-metrics, Prometheus can ingest the exported metrics, allowing users to query, visualise, and analyse the performance and status of Kubernetes clusters in great detail.

Integrating kube-state-metrics with Prometheus provides organisations with a comprehensive view of their Kubernetes infrastructure. Administrators and DevOps teams can monitor deployment statuses, track node performance, and assess individual pod health. This detailed monitoring is essential for identifying potential issues, optimising resource allocation, and ensuring reliability and performance of containerised applications in a Kubernetes environment.

kube-state-metrics plays a crucial role in Kubernetes monitoring by exporting cluster-level metrics, and its integration with Prometheus enhances the ability to conduct in-depth analysis and visualisation of these metrics. This combination empowers organisations to maintain a proactive stance in managing their Kubernetes clusters, resulting in improved efficiency, faster issue resolution, and enhanced overall operational resilience.

Key points

Effective monitoring and analytics are integral to the success of containerised applications. The mentioned free tools offer valuable insights into container performance, resource utilisation, and overall system health, helping organisations maintain optimal operational efficiency in dynamic and scalable containerised environments. Whether you are running Docker containers or managing a Kubernetes cluster, leveraging these tools can contribute to a more robust and reliable containerised infrastructure.

The need for monitoring and analysis in containerised environments extends beyond mere observation. It is a proactive approach to managing the dynamic, scalable, and complex nature of containerised applications, ensuring optimal performance, resource utilisation, and overall system reliability. Effective monitoring is an integral part of successfully adopting containerisation and reaping the benefits of agility, scalability, and efficiency that containers offer.

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The author is the managing director of Magma Research and Consultancy Pvt Ltd, Ambala Cantonment, Haryana. He has 16 years experience in teaching, in industry and in research. He is a projects contributor for the Web-based source code repository He is associated with various central, state and deemed universities in India as a research guide and consultant. He is also an author and consultant reviewer/member of advisory panels for various journals, magazines and periodicals. The author can be reached at
The author is an assistant professor in the National Institute of Technical Teachers’ Training and Research at Chandigarh.


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