Home Press Release ETSI Launches a New Open-Source Group, TeraFlowSDN

ETSI Launches a New Open-Source Group, TeraFlowSDN


ETSI is pleased to announce the creation of a new open-source group called TeraFlowSDN. Based upon the results of the European Union-funded TeraFlow 5G PPP research project, this new group hosted by ETSI will provide a toolbox for rapid prototyping and experimentation with innovative network technologies and use cases.

 TeraFlowSDN will develop an open-source, cloud-native SDN controller for high-capacity IP and optical networks and will support use cases, such as autonomous networks and cybersecurity, helping service providers and telecommunication operators to meet the challenges of future networks.

 The software developed by the TeraFlowSDN group will be a valuable tool for several ETSI industry specification groups working on network transformation. Collaboration around the software will enable the alignment of goals, mutual feedback and help to accelerate standardization cycles at ETSI.

 TeraFlowSDN will be able to integrate with current Network Function Virtualization (NFV) and Multi-access Edge Computing (MEC) frameworks and interoperate with ETSI OSM (Open- Source MANO).

 Building on the success of ETSI OSM, which has been adopted by over 25 EU-funded research projects, TeraFlowSDN also aims to gain support and trigger collaboration with existing and future research projects in the 5G PPP or the Smart Networks and Services Joint Undertaking (SNS JU).

 “TeraFlowSDN aims to ease the adoption of SDN by telco operators. We want to bring innovation to the ecosystem and contribute to network programmability for current 5G and beyond deployments. Furthermore, TeraFlowSDN will ease proof-of-concept demonstration for many ETSI ISGs to demonstrate the proposed standard solutions faster”, says Dr. Ricard Vilalta, from the Centre Tecnològic de Telecomunicacions de Catalunya, convenor of the ETSI TeraFlowSDN group.

“Over the last two years, ETSI has grown its relationship with the research community. We have developed the means to help them identify research topics for standardization at an early stage, so that the required standards are available to the industry when they are needed. TeraFlowSDN will help to promote and facilitate the adoption of ETSI standards among software development communities and open-source projects. It will also provide building blocks for other 5G PPP and SNS JU research projects”, says Luis Jorge Romero, ETSI Director General.

 The kick-off meeting of the group will take place remotely on 20 June 2022. The founding members of the group, Atos (Bull), CTTC, NEC Europe, Telefonica SA, Telenor ASA, and SIAE Microelettronica SpA, have since been joined by Globe Telecom, NTNU, Old Dog Consulting, Peer Stritzinger, and Ubitech. To register or learn more, contact TFSsupport@etsi.org or visit tfs.etsi.org.



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