ScaleOut’s Software Incorporates Redis Open Source Software Execution Capabilities


In ScaleOut StateServer Version 5.11, available as a community preview, ScaleOut Software adds support for Redis clients. Redis users can now connect to a cluster of ScaleOut servers and run Redis commands using the company’s flagship distributed caching product. According to the manufacturers, this integration of Redis open source software with ScaleOut StateServer provides Redis customers with breakthrough capabilities by substantially simplifying cluster management, enabling smooth throughput scaling, and automating recovery from server and network outages.

ScaleOut StateServer, aimed at enterprise users, now includes crucial new features and the potential for significant cost reductions over rival commercial Redis offerings. Redis clients can connect to a ScaleOut StateServer cluster using the same RESP protocol as they do to a Redis cluster. All Redis data structures (strings, sets, sorted sets, lists, and hashes), as well as transactions, publish/subscribe commands, and utility functions, are implemented in this version. Streams, modules, LUA scripting, and AOF persistence are not supported in this release. To handle Redis commands, Redis support uses open source Redis version 6.2.5 code, and it can run on either Linux or Windows servers.

ScaleOut StateServer, unlike open source Redis, delivers fully consistent changes to stored data. ScaleOut StateServer’s native APIs also operate alongside Redis commands and provide sophisticated features like data-parallel processing, streaming analytics, and coherent, wide-area data replication that aren’t available on open source Redis clusters.

– Actual Redis Open Source Code: ScaleOut StateServer has integrated Redis version 6.2.5 into its software architecture to handle stored data as a single Redis database and to execute all Redis commands. Redis commands generate results that are identical to those produced by a Redis open-source server.

– Simplified and Improved Cluster Management: ScaleOut StateServer manages all cluster processes, including hashslot formation, load balancing, data replication, failure detection, and recovery, automatically. It distributes Redis hashslots throughout a server cluster and redistributes them as additional or removed servers are added or removed. Fully coherent cluster membership is also used to identify server or network breakdowns, rebalance workloads on surviving servers, and construct new replicas to ensure data redundancy.

– ScaleOut StateServer’s Advanced Client Management: ScaleOut StateServer makes client applications easier by always delivering accurate information about the position of hashslots. Client commands are automatically halted while hashslots are in action, preventing client-side exceptions and ensuring that clients always get a consistent cluster view.

– Multi-Threaded Architecture: The multi-threaded architecture of ScaleOut StateServer automatically employs all processing cores to speed up the execution of Redis instructions. This avoids the hassle of deploying multiple “shards” to enhance throughput on each server and eliminates the single-threaded bottleneck created by Redis’ event-loop architecture.

“We are excited to provide a new execution platform for Redis clients with ScaleOut StateServer to meet the needs of enterprise users,” said Dr. William Bain, ScaleOut Software’s CEO and founder. “By incorporating this technology, Redis users can take advantage of ScaleOut StateServer’s industry-leading features for cluster management to both reduce their operating costs and gain full consistency for stored data.”


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