Cube Dev Launches Hosted Cloud Version of Open Source Analytics API Cube.js


Cube Dev, the open-source company behind Cube.js, today announced the general availability of Cube Cloud, a hosted version of the company’s popular open source Cube.js analytics API.

With Cube Cloud, companies build data applications like metrics dashboards and analytics features that consume data from their cloud data warehouse—without building or hosting any of the complex technologies required to make this possible.

Cube Cloud connects to a company’s SQL data sources and builds an API backend to serve this data to an application. This makes it easy for developers to build applications with the visualisation libraries and front-end code tools of their choice. The service leverages all of the features of the open source Cube offering including SQL modeling, data schema, access control, a querying API, and caching and acceleration.

The content creators’ audience development and monetisation firm Pico had worked for years to create an analytics infrastructure, but “we wanted to move beyond internal metrics and start surfacing key insights for our creators within Pico,” said James Kenaley, senior software developer. “We turned to Cube Cloud to radically shorten the development cycle for creating this valuable new feature.”

Prior to Cube Cloud, developers used Cube technology by provisioning their own computing resources and using either npm or Docker to install the open source Cube.js software platform. In that case, a business would be responsible for monitoring server performance and provisioning additional cluster servers as their consumption increased.

With Cube Cloud, developers simply select the Google Cloud Platform or Amazon Web Services region where they want to deploy Cube Cloud and connect it to their data sources. As more data is consumed or an application attracts more concurrent users, Cube Cloud can automatically scale to provide additional computing resources.

It has several features including automatic management and scaling of the Cube Cloud infrastructure, schema pre-compilations and cache warm-ups, collaborative schema editing integrated with Git version control, query history views with performance analysis and interactive management of Cube materialisations.

“To build an application that uses data from a data warehouse, a developer will typically design and maintain the logic and infrastructure they need to request data from multiple sources—a complex, and time-consuming process,” said Artyom Keydunov, chief executive and co-founder of Cube Dev. “Cube Cloud’s hosted infrastructure provides businesses with reduced engineering complexity, increased reliability and performance, and radically shortened time to build their data applications.”



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