SPDX Becomes Internationally Recognised Standard for Software Bill of Materials

  • ISO/IEC JTC 1 is an independent, non-governmental standards body.
  • An SBOM accounts for the software components contained in an application — open source, proprietary, or third-party and details their provenance, license, and security attributes

The Linux Foundation, Joint Development Foundation, and the SPDX community announced the Software Package Data Exchange (SPDX) specification has been published as ISO/IEC 5962:2021 and recognized as the international open standard for security, license compliance, and other software supply chain artifacts. ISO/IEC JTC 1 is an independent, non-governmental standards body.

Intel, Microsoft, Siemens, Sony, Synopsys, VMware, and WindRiver are just a small sample of the companies already using SPDX to communicate Software Bill of Materials (SBOM) information in policies or tools to ensure compliant, secure development across global software supply chains.

Jim Zemlin, executive director, the Linux Foundation added, “SPDX plays an important role in building more trust and transparency in how software is created, distributed, and consumed throughout supply chains. The transition from a de-facto industry standard to a formal ISO/IEC JTC 1 standard positions SPDX for dramatically increased adoption in the global arena. SPDX is now perfectly positioned to support international requirements for software security and integrity across the supply chain.”

Between eighty and ninety percent (80 per cent-90 per cent) of a modern application is assembled from open source software components. An SBOM accounts for the software components contained in an application — open source, proprietary, or third-party and details their provenance, license, and security attributes.

Kate Stewart, SPDX tech team co-lead added, “As new use cases have emerged in the software supply chain over the last decade, the SPDX community has demonstrated its ability to evolve and extend the standard to meet the latest requirements. This really represents the power of collaboration on work that benefits all industries. SPDX will continue to evolve with open community input, and we invite everyone, including those with new use cases, to participate in SPDX’s evolution and securing the software supply chain.”

ISO/IEC JTC 1 is an independent, non-governmental international organisation based in Geneva, Switzerland. Its membership represents more than 165 national standards bodies with experts who share knowledge and develop voluntary, consensus-based, market-relevant international standards that support innovation and provide solutions to global challenges.


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