Google Releases Tools And Libraries For Homomorphic Encryption With An Open Source

  • Google released coding utilities that allow fully homomorphic encryptions on encrypted data
  • The open source collection of tools and libraries designed for FHE is available from Google on GitHub

Google has announced to release open source tools and libraries to enable developers to compute fully homomorphic encryption (FHE) operations on encrypted data.

Released the source code of general purpose FHE transpiler

The tech giant has now released the source code of general purpose FHE transpiler that will allow to perform computational processes on encrypted data without the need to decrypt it, offering privacy and security benefits. The transpiler connects to Google XLS-library (Accelerated HW synthesis) and open source library to set up FHE systems. The transpiler will transform the code into a version that can run on encrypted data which will allow developers to create new applications.

“Google’s transpiler will enable developers to write code for any type of basic computation such as simple string processing or math, and run it on encrypted data,” said Miguel Guevara, product manager in Google’s privacy and data protection team.

The open source collection designed for FHE is now available from Google on GitHub under Apache 2.0 license.