Home etc Blogs Eclipse Foundation Launches The Adoptium Working Group for Multi-Vendor Delivery Of Java...

Eclipse Foundation Launches The Adoptium Working Group for Multi-Vendor Delivery Of Java Runtimes For Enterprises

  • The Adoptium Working Group will provide the Java ecosystem with fully compatible, high-quality distributions of Java runtimes based on OpenJDK source code
  • The goal of the Adoptium WG is to provide the infrastructure, marketing, community building, and developer advocacy work

The Eclipse Foundation has announced the formal establishment of the Adoptium Working Group in collaboration with the AdoptOpenJDK Technical Steering Committee. With this announcement, the Eclipse Foundation is bringing its proven vendor-neutral governance framework in support of the Eclipse Adoptium top-level project. It is based on on the work previously done under the AdoptOpenJDK organization. Adoptium is founded by multiple participants, including many Java developers and vendors such as Alibaba Cloud, Huawei, IBM, iJUG, Karakun AG, Microsoft, New Relic, and Red Hat. The Adoptium Working Group will provide the Java ecosystem with fully compatible, high-quality distributions of Java runtimes based on OpenJDK source code.

Mike Milinkovich, executive director of the Eclipse Foundation said, “With the establishment of the Adoptium Working Group, the Eclipse Foundation has cemented its role as the vendor-neutral center of gravity for the open source Java community. We are already successfully hosting the Jakarta EE and MicroProfile specification communities and leading Java open source projects such as Eclipse GlassFish, Eclipse Jetty, and Eclipse Vert.x. Adoptium will add the delivery of compatible Java runtimes to that portfolio of key Java technologies for hybrid and multi-cloud enterprise development.”

High-quality Java runtimes under open source licenses

It said that thousands of enterprises and millions of developers that run Java need a reliable source of high-quality Java runtimes under open source licenses that come with timely patches and updates for the mission-critical Java applications. The Eclipse Adoptium project is the continuation of the original AdoptOpenJDK mission, which was established in 2017.

It was done to address the general lack of an open, community-based, and reproducible build and test system for OpenJDK across multiple platforms. Eclipse Adoptium will become the leading provider of high-quality OpenJDK-based binaries used by Java developers in embedded systems, desktops, traditional servers, modern cloud platforms, and mainframes.

The goal of the Adoptium WG is to provide the infrastructure, marketing, community building, and developer advocacy work needed to continue to ensure timely releases to the community and further the adoption of Eclipse Adoptium.

It said that the new open source working group was only possible through the successful negotiation of the OpenJDK Community TCK License Agreement (OCTLA) with Oracle, the steward of OpenJDK, the Java Community Process, and the Java compatibility brand. Under the terms of this agreement, Adoptium will run compatibility tests to ensure conformance to the Java specification.




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