Catalogic Software Announces Open Source Disaster Recovery KubeDR

  • The company is also launching cLabs to support new products and open source initiatives
  • KubeDR can backup cluster data in etcd to any S3 compatible storage

Data protection solutions provider Catalogic Software has announced the introduction of its Catalogic open source utility, KubeDR. It is built to provide backup and disaster recovery for Kubernetes cluster configuration, certificates and metadata. The company is also launching cLabs to support new products, open source initiatives and innovations.

Sathya Sankaran, COO of Catalogic Software said, “Kubernetes has evolved into the de facto standard for deploying applications at scale, especially in the world of cloud and cluster computing. In response to market demand and to give back to the open source community, here at Catalogic, we are introducing KubeDR – a backup and disaster recovery solution specifically for etcd data in a Kubernetes cluster.”

Backup and disaster recovery

Kubernetes stores cluster data in etcd, an interface that collects configuration data for distributed systems. There are solutions focused on protecting persistent volumes but cluster configuration data is forgotten often in existing industry solutions. Catalogic said that its KubeDR is “user-friendly, secure, scalable and an open source solution for backup and disaster recovery designed specifically for Kubernetes applications.”

Other features of KubeDR include ability to backup cluster data in etcd to any S3 compatible storage, pause and resume backups. It can also clean up older snapshots (based on retention setting) and Restore etcd snapshot and certificates.

Catalogic Labs

Sankaran added, “We are debuting KubeDR together with Catalogic Labs, cLabs, created to support our ongoing open source initiatives and other backup/DR innovations. It’s an exciting time at Catalogic, with product growth and several enhancements on the horizon.”


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