Red Hat Open Sources Project Quay

  • Quay was acquired in 2014 by CoreOS
  • The Quay team also created and integrated the Clair open source container security scanning project in 2015

Red Hat has made upstream project “Project Quay” which represents the code that powers Red Hat Quay and open source. Quay is a private hosted registry in the market which was launched in 2013.

Project Quay contains a collection of open source software licensed under Apache 2.0 and other open source licenses. It follows an open source governance model, with a maintainer committee.The Quay team also created and integrated the Clair open source container security scanning project in 2015 and it includes Red Hat and community maintainers and users.

Secure the internet through automated operations

Quay was acquired in 2014 by CoreOS which aimed to secure the internet through automated operations. The Quay team also created and integrated the Clair open source container security scanning project in 2015.

Clair helps users to identify known vulnerabilities in their container registries. It was created in the open source community to improve security through open work amongst vendors and users.


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