LinuxForce Announces a New Suite of Hosting Services


Most LinuxForce Hosting Services include Remote Responder, the company’s premier on-going systems maintenance and monitoring service

  LinuxForce, a leading technology services provider, on Tuesday announced an expanded, comprehensive suite of hosting services for effective maintenance and monitoring of computing operations.

These include Hosting Consulting Services, Infrastructure Hosting, Virtual Machine (VM) Hosting, Dedicated Server Hosting, Virtualmin Hosting, Monitoring Hosting, Backups Hosting, Web Hosting, WordPress Hosting, Drupal Hosting, E-Mail Hosting and Custom Hosting Services.

“Although LinuxForce has offered hosting services for more than 15 years, previously we focused on our systems administration services and clustered services. We have now re-organized these capabilities as a new suite of hosting services,” said LinuxForce President and CEO, CJ Fearnley.

Fearnley continued, “Systems administration services has been our main business. Systems administration is effectively hosting, but now these capabilities are articulated in the terms the market has come to think of them: as commonplace hosting services.”

Know what hosting configuration makes sense for your organization

LinuxForce Hosting Services consist of Hosting consulting services and Infrastructure as a service (IaaS) generally built on top of LinuxForce Cluster Services and managed with Remote Responder services.

According to the company, these services can help organizations understand what hosting configuration makes sense for them.

Fearnley explained, “Over the past few years, we’ve noticed that many of the loss-leader hosting companies have either gone away or transitioned to a more sustainable pricing model. These market changes create a unique position for our Remote Responder services and our experience deploying services on customer premises, in the cloud, and built on our Cluster Services platform.  This is the reason we have repackaged our services under the Hosting rubric: Now our capabilities can be understood in terms the market better understands.”

The company has described LinuxForce Hosting Services on a new web page: LinuxForce Hosting Services.



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