Newly Created OpenHW Group Aims to Boost Adoption of Open Source Processors


The organization encourages like-minded engineers to collaborate in the development of open-source cores, related IP, tools and software such as the CORE-V Family of cores.

Former Executive Director of the RISC-V Foundation, Rick O’Connor, has founded a new not-for-profit global organization, which aims to boost the adoption of open-source processors.

The OpenHW Group intends to serve developers of processor cores and hardware and software engineers who design system-on-chips (SoCs) by providing a platform for collaboration, creating a focal point for ecosystem development and offering open-source IP for processor cores.

“If you design or are looking for open source processor IP, OpenHW Group is an organization for collaborating with like-minded engineers. If you’re an SoC designer, you don’t have to design from scratch; we will help you accelerate your design process by supplying you with a growing range of proven processor IP options, all available within an expanding, high-quality ecosystem,” said O’Connor.

The Group is introducing the CORE-V family of cores, which will support system-on-chip (SoC) hardware and software designers with a quality and manufacturability assurance when adopting RISC-V processor core IP.

The CORE-V family provides quality core IP in line with industry best practices. The IP is available in both silicon and FPGA optimized implementations. These cores can be used to facilitate rapid design innovation and ensure effective manufacturability of high-volume production SoCs.

Inaugural OpenHW sponsors

The OpenHW Group has already recruited 13 sponsor organizations and expects this to grow to 25 by the end of 2019.  Inaugural OpenHW sponsors include Alibaba, Bluespec, CMC Microsystems, Embecosm, ETH Zurich (University), GreenWaves, Imperas, Metrics, Mythic AI, NXP, Onespin, Silicon Labs and Thales.

The organization, which is a member of the RISC-V Foundation, has also entered into a strategic partnership with the Eclipse Foundation, a global community for open source software collaboration and innovation.

While Rick O’Connor is the founder and CEO of the OpenHW Group, Rob Oshana, VP Software Engineering, NXP, will serve as the Chairman of the Board of the Group.