VIPPOOL Releases Open Source Software to Develop Systems Using Blockchain


VIPPOOL clerk is a server-side application that offers functions as a normal web API and can be accessed more easily through VIPPOOL storage

VIPPOOL Inc. announced the launch of open-source release of VIPPOOL clerk, a software used for developing systems by leveraging blockchain technology. In addition, the company introduced VIPPOOL storage, a Python library developed to make the software simple to use.

With VIPPOOL clerk, a user can easily read from or write data to blockchains, without having specialised knowledge of the technology. The software runs on Google App Engine platform and enables balance, transaction and other information that is related to blockchains to be attained quickly and in a scalable way by preprocessing blockchain data.

In addition, the software is integrated with the ability to develop a new transaction even without having to send the private key to server due to performing the electronic signature on client’s side.

Easily reworked for other blockchains

The latest software runs in VIPPOOL, a mining pool for Monacoin managed by the company. This boasts of the world’s largest hash rate, and can be connected to the APIs previously released, without any hassle of set up. VIPPOOL clerk has been released as open source software, therefore, it can be easily reworked for other blockchains.

The VIPPOOL storage launched by the company is a Python library that makes the VIPPOOL clerk even simpler to use, by just implementing a few lines of code to get different types of information on Monacoin and its testnets, remit currency, or read or write data.

The software is a server-side application that offers functions as a normal web API; however, it can also be accessed more easily through VIPPOOL storage.

Apart from proposing proofs of concept (PoCs) to the software users, VIPPOOL Inc plans to link the software to private-key management hardware that the company want to sell in near future.


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