Home How-Tos Projects OpenDaylight Celebrates Sixth Anniversary with Neon Release

OpenDaylight Celebrates Sixth Anniversary with Neon Release


Neon release hardens SDN controller features and advances support for edge, cloud native, and downstream projects like ONAP, Kubernetes and OpenStack.

OpenDaylight (ODL), the most pervasive open source Software Defined Networking (SDN) controller, marked its sixth anniversary with the release of OpenDaylight Neon.

The Linux Foundation’s first networking project and now part of LF Networking (LFN), OpenDaylight was founded in 2013 as an open source framework to accelerate adoption, foster innovation and create a more open and transparent approach to SDN.

In just six years, OpenDaylight has delivered 10 releases with the help of 1000+ authors/submitters who contributed 100K+ commits, across dozens of unique organizations. Additionally, today ODL-based solutions help power over one billion global network subscribers.

Its 10th release, OpenDaylight Neon, reiterates its commitment to fostering an open, scalable and interoperable networking solution and supporting ecosystem of developers, integrators and users.

“This has been possible in large part due to the modular and extensible software architecture which makes it possible to use OpenDaylight in a variety of use cases,” said Abhijit Kumbhare, OpenDaylight Technical Steering Committee chair.

Phil Robb, vice president, Operations, Networking and Orchestration, the Linux Foundation, commented, “I am continually impressed by the community’s cohesiveness in delivering platform releases with updates and features that enhance evolving SDN use cases.”

OpenDaylight Neon brings improved functionality for key SDN use cases

Neon includes updated features important to networking use cases, such as optical transport networking, WAN connectivity and routing, as well as virtual networking in cloud and edge environments. It also features new stability and scalability enhancements and cements the project’s leadership in working with other open source communities to expedite next-generation networking solutions.

Cloud/Edge Network Virtualization features have been hardened with the Neon release to further enhance the suitability of OpenDaylight in production networks.

Building on Fluorine’s mature BGP stack, Neon brings enhancements that improve error reporting, restarts and network stability.

Neon includes improvements in stability and scale, in addition to functional enhancements and bug fixes.

OpenDaylight continues to undergo infrastructure enhancements making it easier for vendors and downstream open source projects to rapidly put-together and deploy OpenDaylight-dependent products and platforms. 



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