Home How-Tos Tools / Apps TiDB’s Data Migration Tool Now Available as Open Source

TiDB’s Data Migration Tool Now Available as Open Source


The tool is licensed under the Apache License Version 2.0, allowing users to freely use and modify the platform.

TiDB, an open-source distributed scalable Hybrid Transactional and Analytical Processing (HTAP) database, has made its data migration platform (DM) available as open source.

Data Migration (DM) by TiDB is an integrated data synchronization task management platform that provides support for full data migration as well as the incremental data migration from MySQL/MariaDB into TiDB.  It helps reduce the operations cost and also make the troubleshooting process easy.

The Data Migration tool by TiDB includes three components: DM-master, DM-worker, and dmctl.


What these components do?

DM-master manages and schedules the operation of data synchronization tasks. It stores the topology information of the DM cluster and monitors the running state of DM worker processes and data synchronization tasks.

It provides a unified portal for the management of data synchronization tasks and coordinates the DDL synchronization of sharded tables in each instance under the sharding scenario.

DM-worker executes specific data synchronization tasks such as storing the configuration information of the data synchronization subtasks and also monitors their running state.

dmctl is a command line tool used to control the DM cluster. It creates/updates/drops data synchronization tasks. Hence it helps in checking the running state of these tasks, handles any errors that occur during these tasks, and also verifies their configuration correctness.

DM is licensed under the Apache License Version 2.0, which allows users to freely use and modify the platform. Users can also contribute new features or track any bug fixes to make the platform better for everyone.

For more details, check out the official DM tool documentation.




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