Home Content News Turkey Government collaborates with ONF

Turkey Government collaborates with ONF


Turkey is aiming to have a say in 5G technologies and beyond in the international arena. As an important  step towards it, Turkey’s Transport, Maritime Affairs and Communications Ministry, has signed a collaboration agreement with the US-based Open Networking Foundation (ONF).

Cooperation between the Ministry and the ONF includes making the field work of open source M-CORD infrastructure. It offers solutions for 5G wireless networks, in Turkey within the scope of the Universal Service Project.
This agreement will make Turkey to test and also implement the newly developed communication technologies at the ONF for the first time.
The country aims to increase domestic and national technology production and export in the communications sector, as well as other sectors. Turkey, Transport, Maritime Affairs and Communication Minister Ahmet Arslan said, “As Government, we have realized a collaboration with the ONF through which we once again showed our determination to pioneer the world in development of 5G technologies and beyond. With this agreement, we will have the opportunity to develop the new technologies and standards and to apply them rapidly in Turkey for the first time in the world. As part of this cooperation, one of our country’s distinguished institutions, Türk Telekom will field test the new technologies and implement them.”
Sharing about the collaboration, ONF Executive Director Guru Parulkar stated, “We will test the ONF’s new technologies and open source M-CORD platform in cooperation with Türk Telekom through the Universal Service Project of Transport, Maritime Affairs and Communication Ministry. Turk Telekom’s commitment to deploying M-CORD is very exciting.”

The latest move aims to provide Turkey with a say in 5G technologies and beyond in the international arena. It will also increase mobile penetration in the country’s rural areas by resolving the coverage insufficiency problem through its Universal Service Project.

Paul Doany, CEO,  Türk Telekom shared, “Participating in such a world league and realising cooperation projects will bring great advantages to our country as well as our company. We will once again assume a key role in this new collaboration between our Ministry and the ONF and enable the next generation open source communication technologies to be tested in Turkey for the first time in the world.”


  1. […] passed in October 2014. The resolution applies to the government’s main web portal, gov.il. Other government services are also being encouraged to open their source […]


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