Juniper Moves OpenContrail’s Codebase to the Linux Foundation


During the recently organised annual NXTWORK user conference, Juniper Networks announced its intent to move the OpenContrail codebase to Linux. OpenContrail is a scalable network virtualization control plane. It provides both feature-rich software-defined networking (SDN) and strong security.

Juniper first released its Contrail products as open sourced in 2013 and built a vibrant user and developer community around this project. Earlier this year, Juniper expanded the project’s governance, creating an even more open, community-led effort to strengthen the project for its next growth phase.

Adding its codebase to the Linux Foundation’s networking projects will further its objective to grow the use of open source platforms in cloud ecosystems. OpenContrail has been deployed by various organizations, including cloud providers, telecom operators and enterprises, to simplify operational complexities and automate workload management across diverse cloud environments, including multicloud.

Once the Linux Foundation takes over governance of OpenContrail’s codebase, Juniper’s mission to ensure the project truly remains community-led will be fulfilled. As a result, this will accelerate pioneering advancements, community adoption and further enable easier and secure migration to multicloud.   Read more..


  1. […] has joined a new open source networking initiative created by The Linux Foundation called LF Networking Fund (LFN). The focus of LFN is to increase collaboration and operational […]


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