‘Pi Chef’, Unique Design Challenge for Designers and Engineers


Raspberry Pi in collaboration with element14.com has launched Pi Chef Design Challenge for designers and engineers. Fifteen sponsored challengers will use their creativity and the Raspberry Pi as their main ingredient to improve the culinary process. Projects should show how the Raspberry Pi can be used to advance the world of food, whether it is through kitchen safety, food sustainability, or the creation of new preparation methods. Potential entries could include an intelligent kitchen scale, a commercial-grade ripening container, or even a Fridge2Sofa IoT Beer delivery system.

element14 is known for enticing community members to create a variety of projects with the Raspberry Pi. From IoT devices for the home to science-fiction inspired gadgets, but, this competition is all about food. Countless start-ups have appeared offering solutions for improving safety and enhancing the cooking experience. From Michelin-starred chefs to at-home gourmets, everyone is always on the lookout for a new device that will expand the possibilities of their kitchen.

element14 will accept applications for the Pi Chef Design Challenge until 1st December 2017.  Read more…



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