Home Content News Canonical to enable GNOME 3.26 apps on Ubuntu 16.04 via Snaps

Canonical to enable GNOME 3.26 apps on Ubuntu 16.04 via Snaps

Ubuntu 16.10 Yakkety Yak


Ubuntu with GNOME apps support

Canonical is working on packing GNOME 3.26 apps for Ubuntu 16.04 LTS. The latest weekly report published by Canonical highlights the details of company’s plans to bring Snap apps to Ubuntu.

Will Cooke, director of Ubuntu Desktop division, reveals that Canonical is working on snap packages for GNOME 3.26 that will allow you to run GNOME apps as Xenial. “This should be ready for testing soon, and we’d appreciate some feedback,” writes Cooke in the report.

Canonical is likely to release Snaps for all the apps coming to Ubuntu 17.10. Additionally, Cooke mentions that the Snappy team is working on enabling more desktop specific features on Snapd daemon. Most of these apps will hit the stable repositories on all supported Ubuntu Linux releases.

Some of the features will be available only if you use the new desktop interface. Moreover, Ubuntu 17.10 is likely to support GNOME 3.26 environment by default. The new platform version is scheduled to be released next month.



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