VirtualBox 5.1.24 debuts with initial support for Linux 4.13

VirtualBox on Windows 10

VirtualBox with initial Linux 4.13 support

Oracle has announced VirtualBox 5.1.24. The new version features initial support for upcoming Linux kernel 4.13.

As Oracle regularly pushes a version update almost three months after the previous release, the new update includes some bug fixes and performance improvements. But what makes it a standout offering is the new kernel support. Also, the new build has reduced kernel stack consumption for Linux users.

In addition to the kernel 4.13 support, VirtualBox 5.1.24 enables Linux users with 2D video acceleration on older distributions. Linux users running Fedora 25 and Fedora 26 distros can additionally be benefitted from improved dynamic resizing for 3D pass-through with Oracle Linux 6 with UEK4.

Systems with newer Linux distros need not depend on the net-tools package. Also, the new version does not remove Linux Additions package installed from official repositories of favorite Linux distribution. There are some additional fixes for loading shared libraries on GNU/Linux and macOS platforms.

Users can emulate more SSE2 instructions using VirtualBox 5.1.24. Besides, there is better support for latest KDE Plasma 5 desktop along with various improvements under-the-hood.

VirtualBox 5.1.24 is available for download on systems based on GNU/Linux, macOS and Windows.


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