Fedora 26 gets official with new features and improvements



After days of anticipation, Fedora 26 has formally been released. The new version includes an all new interface as well as tons of new features and improvements.

“Fedora 26 provides software to suit a wide variety of applications,” reads the official description.

Among the major changes in Fedora 26 is the new GNOME 3.24 desktop environment. The latest version of desktop environment comes with a Night Light feature that can change the screen color to relieve the strain from user’s eyes. It is worth noting here that Night Light is similar to the blue light filter in Windows 10.

The new Fedora version also lets users access the weather information right from notification panel. The team has additionally integrated a new app named Recipes. System administrators can heavily benefit from the Fedora Modular Server preview build. The modularity will help system administrators to separate the hardware side. Further, the modularity is designed to separate base runtime from modules.

In addition to the latest uplifts, there are certain networking related changes in the latest Fedora release. OpenVPN has been updated to the latest v2.4.3. The new OpenVPN version introduces improvements like elliptic curve cryptography support. Users can seamlessly integrate client IP and port to help other change the IP address.

Fedora 26 ships with DNF 2.0, a new package management system. The latest version of the package management system improves backward compatibility with Yum.

Besides, the Chinese Pinyin input comes with improved input speed. Users can type faster by pressing a minimal number of presses.

You can find the Fedora 26 and its different versions on the official Fedora project website. The platform requires at least 1GHz processor and 1GB of memory.


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