Mirantis aims to uplift open standards adoption for network automation

network automation


Mirantis has joined the Open Network Automation Platform (ONAP) project with an aim to accelerate adoption of open standards for Software Defined Network (SDN) and Network Functions Virtualisation (NFV) automation. The latest development would bring open source one step closer to the future of telecom networking.

“ONAP is doing important work bringing the industry together to support open standards in SDN/NFV,” said Randy DeFauw, senior director of product management at Mirantis.

Formed through the recent merger of open source ECOMP and Open Orchestration Project (OPEN-O), the ONAP project is designed to create a harmonised and comprehensive framework for real-time, policy-driven software automation of virtual network functions. Mirantis is apparently planning to leverage that framework to enhance its cloud presence.

Mirantis Cloud Platform (MCP), which combines with third-party technology integrations, enables optimised NFV deployments. This would get a significant boost from ONAP project.

Over 35 members on board

Backed by the Linux Foundation, ONAP currently has more than 35 members. It includes AT&T, Amdocs, ARM, China Mobile, Ericsson, Huawei, IBM, Intel, VMware and ZTE in addition to Mirantis.