Home Content News Linux 4.14 to be next LTS release

Linux 4.14 to be next LTS release


Linux 4.14

While the kernel 4.12 and 4.13 are still a part of the buzzes, Linux maintainer Greg Kroah-Hartman has announced the development of Linux 4.14. The upcoming kernel release is all set to be an LTS (long-term support) branch.

Kroah-Hartman has revealed that the development of Linux kernel 4.14 will begin in mid-September, and it will be supported for two years. The team is currently working on the development of Linux kernel 4.12. The current release candidates will be moved to the stable branch early next month. If everything works as per the plan, the development cycle of Linux kernel 4.12 will freeze by the end of this month.

Two weeks after the final release of the kernel 4.12, you can expect the development of Linux 4.13 kernel branch. The release candidate (RC) milestone of Linux kernel 4.13 can be expected by mid-July or the end of July. Furthermore, Linux kernel maintainers will freeze the development of Linux kernel 4.13 in early September before initiating the work on Linux kernel 4.14.

Seven release candidates ahead of final build

Linux kernel 4.14 will observe as many as seven release candidates. The final release of Linux 4.14 is scheduled to be published in early November this year and will be supported until 2019.


  1. […] of the new kernel has also opened the merge window for Linux 4.13. It also sets the ground for the next LTS release that will emerge in early […]


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