Raspberry Pi starts supporting Snaps

Raspberry Pi3


Months after their support on multiple Linux distributions, Snaps are finally making way to Raspberry Pi. A Snapd build — specifically designed for Raspbian — has emerged to deliver the advanced experience.

Snaps were initially a part of Ubuntu platform. But in last June, the self-contained, read-only images debuted on multiple Linux platforms to offer a secure solution for delivering system components and applications. That development had brought the Snappy technologies to distros such as Arch Linux, Debian, Gentoo Linux, Fedora, OpenSUSE and Yocto among others.

Limited support

Canonical developer Simon Fels has unofficially announced the availability of Snaps on Raspbian. Though Fels has managed to bring Snapd to the Raspberry Pi platform, it is yet to gain full support.

“I have initial packages for this available now and want to invite more people to help testing these packages on their Raspbeian package on their Raspbian systems,” Fels writes in a forum post on Snapcraft.

The Snapd package initially contained in the Personal Package Archive (PPA) for Raspbian systems. You just need to run the following commands to install the Snapd daemon.

<code class="hljs cpp">$ sudo -s
$ cat &lt;&lt; EOF &gt; /etc/apt/sources.<span class="hljs-built_in">list</span>.d/snapd.<span class="hljs-built_in">list</span>
deb https:<span class="hljs-comment">//mm.gravedo.de/raspbian/ jessie main</span>
$ apt update
$ apt install -y snapd</code>

Notably, the latest development is of no use if you have the first-generation Raspberry Pi or the Raspberry Pi Zero. The work-in-progress is also not meant for any production system.