KDE Frameworks 5.34.0 released with add-on libraries



KDE Project has announced a new maintenance update to its framework project KDE Frameworks. Debuted as KDE Frameworks 5.34.0, the new version brings add-on libraries to Qt and comes with a number of improvements and new features.

The updated KDE Frameworks contains a total of 83 changes. Among the tweaks and improvements, there are add-on libraries to Qt that enables a variety of commonly need functionalities in “mature, peer reviewed and well tested libraries” with explainable licensing terms. These new functionalities have been added to benefit app developers as well as end users.

Among other improvements, KDE Frameworks has improved Baloo, KAuth, KActivities, KConfig, KDeclarative, KConfigWidgets, KDocTools, KGlobalAccel, KFileMetaData, KIconThemes, KI18n, KIO and KNewStuff. There are also KXMLGUI, KWidgetAddons, Plasma Framework and Solid.

Monthly updates

In addition to the changes, the KDE project has decided to push monthly updates to offer quick and predictable updates to developers. The latest version also includes some changes to syntax highlighting and CMake modules.

The source tarball of the updated KDE Frameworks project are available on the official website for OS makers. Users need to wait for few days before they get the stable release in respective repository.


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