Home Content News Wine 2.0.1 improves experience for Windows apps running on Linux

Wine 2.0.1 improves experience for Windows apps running on Linux



Wine, the compatibility-layer software that brings the proprietary space closer to the open source world, has received an update to version 2.0.1. The updated Wine has uplifted the experience for some of the popular Windows apps running on Linux platform.

The list of Windows apps that receive improvements through Wine 2.0.1 includes iMesh 10, nanoCAD 5, ComicRack 0.9.x, AmiBroker 6.00, Git for Windows 2.7.0, RPGMaker 2003 (Steam) and Winamp among others. There are some tweaks for Windows games as well. You can notice better gameplay instances on Jojo’s Fashion Show 2: Las Cruces demo, Need for Speed: Most Wanted and Tera Online.

Wine has also improved the experience on game titles such as Civilization II, Ether One Redux, Odallus: The Dark Call, Rush for Berlin Gold and Zafehouse demo among various others.

47 bug fixes

The Wine 2.0.1 release has a total of 47 bug fixes. Additionally, the software package has deprecated the wineinstall component to upgrade the experience.

You can download the latest Wine from its official website. It will also soon hit the repository of your Linux system.


  1. […] the instructions on GitHub, loadlibrary is not intended to replace Wine or Winelib. These services are used to port C++ projects from Windows to Linux, whereas loadlibrary is designed to allow native Linux code to load simple […]


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