Home Content News Red Hat releases OpenShift Container Platform 3.5

Red Hat releases OpenShift Container Platform 3.5

Red Hat OpenShift


Red Hat has released OpenShift Container Platform 3.5 to help you manage cloud containers. The latest Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform is based on Kubernetes 1.5 — backed by Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL).

Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform 3.5 has an integrated Docker container runtime. The new OpenShift Container Platform also brings StatefulSets that Kubernetes is already supporting. Additionally, OpenShift Container Platform has integrated some of the features that were Kubernetes StatefulSets from missing.

“Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform 3.5 provides a Kubernetes-based platform for traditional and cloud-native applications with the tools, greater security features and capabilities designed to retain existing IT investments while planning for future needs and business growth,” said Ashesh Badani, general manager, OpenShift, Red Hat.

SQL databases and messaging queues that require more capabilities are now supported in the latest OpenShift Container Platform. The fresh version also brings powerful Kubernetes automation features.

You can run traditional stateful services directly on servers or VMs using the automation features within Kubernetes. The OpenShift update also brings a platform for running Java EE applications. These applications can be integrated with enterprise middleware services.

Furthermore, Red Hat has integrated Red Hat Software Collections with the updated Redis, MySQL and PHP. The update is designed to help developers port old software to the cloud. Besides, the OpenShift update brings an enhanced certificate management for better security and improved secret management.



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