Parrot Security OS becomes fully compatible with VirtualBox

Parrot Security OS

Parrot Security OS

Parrot Security OS 3.5 is the first build in its family to entirely support VirtualBox. The latest version also emerges as the first major release over two months after the last maintenance update to Parrot Security OS 3.4 series that was launched in last December.

With some intrinsic changes, Parrot Security OS is now fully compatible with VirtualBox. The latest version also introduces VMware guest support to deliver an enhanced penetration testing experience on virtual machines.

According to an official blog post by chief contributor Lorenzo “Palinuro” Faletra, the team behind Parrot Security OS has been testing Debian packages for more than two months. The team even dropped some old and obsolete features to build the improved version. However, the native VirtualBox and VMware guest support is an exciting addition for users.

New features

In addition to the compatibility for virtual machines, Parrot Security OS 3.5 introduces out-of-the-box printing support using latest CUPS (Common Unix Printing System) drivers, support for Cinnamon desktop environment, Cryptkeeper folder management tool and ZuluMount utility for zuluCrypt. The development team has also removed under-utilised tools such as gtkdialog, penmode, airmode and related packages.

There are some minor changes on the UI front. Additionally, the updated version comes with vert-manager, SiriKali graphical tool for managing encrypted folders, kernel-based virtual machine (KVM) and Linux containers virtual machine manager (LXC). All the security tools in the distro have also been updated to their latest versions. Besides, Firefox 45 ESR is replaced with the latest Firefox 51 that was released recently.

You can get Parrot Security OS 3.5 in full, Lite, Netboot and Studio editions. All its ISOs are available for download from the official website.