OpenSSH 7.5 brings critical security fixes and new implementations



OpenSSH, open source SSH protocol, has received a new version update that brings important security fixes. OpenSSH 7.5 is a maintenance update that has fixed important security issues.

The latest OpenSSH version has addressed numerous bug requests that were reported in the last point release. You can find that the new update has deprecated the sshd_config UsePrivilageSeperation option to make privilege separation mandatory. Notably, privilege separation and sandboxing were enabled on the platform for years.

Another important change in OpenSSH 7.5 is related to various log messages that are emitted by the pocket code. The platform also introduces you with syntax “=-“ that simplifies removal methods from algorithm lists.

It is recommended to update systems with OpenSSH 7.5. Moreover, Linux distribution users are advised to wait till the stable version lands in repositories of their distribution.